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Ronald Yanik

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About Ronald Yanik

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Ronald Yanik's Achievements

  1. As Omnissa rolls out our modern SaaS architecture across UEM SaaS environments, we want our customers to understand our security posture for the service. This document talks about the security measures we take to ensure that your data is safe. https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/security-posture-uem-modern-architecture
  2. If you use APIs in WS1 UEM, we have great news. We now have a comprehensive Postman collection for Workspace ONE UEM. This collection includes all available API calls, pre-configured and ready to use! Read all about it in this new guide on Tech Zone by Vaibhav Dabas and @Wannes de Boodt https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/getting-started-workspace-one-uem-api-postman-collection#additional-resources
  3. If you have security or privacy concerns with the new Recall feature, you can turn it off with WS1 UEM. Step-by-step instructions are in this blog by @Andreano Lanusse Dean Flaming and Kevin Teneyck: https://techzone.omnissa.com/blog/securing-your-windows-pcs-against-recall-workspace-one-uem
  4. A couple of great security and compliance enhancements to Workspace ONE Tunnel are GA. You can read about the new TLS 1.3 and Application Integrity Checking features in this blog by @Andreano Lanusse on TechZone. https://techzone.omnissa.com/blog/workspace-one-tunnel-security-and-compliance-update
  5. If you have ever wondered why we have two things called Freestyle Orchestrator and what the differences are, then you should read this great blog by @Michael Bradley to learn more. https://techzone.omnissa.com/blog/why-there-are-two-freestyle-orchestrators-and-when-use-each
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