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About StephenWagner7

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  • Areas of Interest
    Horizon 8
    Horizon Cloud
    Workspace ONE
    App Volumes
    Dynamic Environment Manager
    Digital Employee Experience (DEX)

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  1. I'm hoping it becomes "supported" any day here... I've been running this in my lab since last week and LOVE IT! πŸ˜„
  2. Hey there @SystemAdmin, is this in regards to licenses you've purchased from a partner, and you're having trouble with accessing them, your account exec, or you're looking to purchase?
  3. With the release of VMware vSphere 8U3, you can now deploy Mixed Size Virtual GPU types with VMware vSphere and Omnissa Horizon for your VDI environment. Check out my blog post: vGPU Mixed Size Virtual GPU types with VMware vSphere 8U3 (stephenwagner.com) for the details, and how to enable!
  4. This is a great question! Tagging @Holly Lehman πŸ™‚ In addition to anything that Omnissa may be developing for customers and users, I'd also recommend checking out World of EUC.
  5. Angela, you're a rockstar!!! In the past month you've helped a number of my customers and I appreciate it very very much! πŸ™‚ Thank you!!!
  6. I'm curious, is the Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin even needed if the system is configured for Azure SSO and/or hybrid joined?
  7. Hi Everyone, Right now this has been a major issue for a large amount of customers. Your "vSphere for Desktop" licensing that comes bundled with your Horizon licensing, "should" be available inside of your Broadcom Support Portal account. However, amongst all my customers this has not the case and the licensing has disappeared off the face of the planet. I've been escalating this numerous times for numerous customers with Broadcom/Omnissa, and as of right now I've been advised that the licensing "should be on the customers Broadcom portal for vSphere licensing bundled with Horizon", and if it isn't, that we are supposed to contact Broadcom support and they are supposed to resolve this issue. I had this come up again yesterday (June 19th 2024) with another customer. There are special escalation e-mails available for emergency situations (upgrades, redeployments, etc), however your best bet is reaching out to your TAM (if you have one), or your account executive at Broadcom/Omnissa to get access to that team/contact.
  8. Still surprises me how many organizations are scared to make the jump, over concerns of profile/setting persistence, thinking that these do not persist. But they do!!! πŸ™‚ This shows the importance of working with a partner who has the experience to not only demo and showcase the technology, but also to implement and provide training (if needed) to maintain the solution afterwards.
  9. Yeah, it sounds like this is an NFS configuration issue, and not directly related with App Volumes. Do you have anyone from your ESXi/vSphere storage team involved? Someone with NFS experience should be able to help you get this going.
  10. I'm also curious what the status is of TrueSSO being used with Hybrid Domain Joined Instant Clones, as last I heard it doesn't support Azure Parts (Primary Refresh Tokens). TrueSSO with support for PRT would be AMAZINGGGGG πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Œ
  11. In the old days, you were supposed to disable the VMware SVGA 3D driver if you had an NVIDIA vGPU attached. Then, you were supposed to leave everything as default and let the drivers handle it. Then the Horizon Indirect Display Driver was released, which furthered automated control of graphics in the background, and for the most part worked off default deployments without any issues. Up until recently, I'd say just install everything, let it run default, and you're good to go, however I've identified a bug with vGPU 16.x and 17.x when used with Windows 11 23H2, where resolution control times out and/or fails on user logon with Instant clones: Frozen screen with NVIDIA vGPU, Windows 11, and VMware Horizon - The Tech Journal (stephenwagner.com) I found that disabling the "VMware SVGA" driver workaround this issue, and on persistent VMs improves logon experience and time. Another workaround is to use the registry to force the IDD to be used, which will utilize the vGPU, however some applications see this, and fail to query the capabilities of the GPU as shown here: GPU issues with the VMware Horizon Indirect Display Driver - The Tech Journal (stephenwagner.com) As of right now, I'd say if you're using vGPU 16/17 with 23H2, disable the "VMware SVGA" adapter. Once this is fixed, I return to my stance of leaving everything to default unless explicitly requiring otherwise (for a bug, or special configuration needed for 3rd party applications).
  12. The user swears that they require relative mouse? It sounds like they had some issues in the past where the user troubleshooted it and came up with their own fix by using relative. Something tells me your best bet is to get some in-person time with the device in question, as my suspicion is there's probably other things going on.
  13. Is there any drivers or special software intercepting mouse feedback on the client side of these? Is it isolated to the specific user account, and/or specific endpoint?
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