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Jack McMichael

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About Jack McMichael

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    Horizon 8
    Horizon Cloud
    Workspace ONE
    App Volumes
    Dynamic Environment Manager
    Digital Employee Experience (DEX)

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  1. TrueSSO leverages certificate authentication to login to Windows on the backend, authenticating the user via SAML but passing a certificate to Windows to perform the actual login. Yes, you’ll need the certificate Enrollment server to understand the domain that the user is part of. Glad you got it working!
  2. That is a pretty unusual issue - I'd definitely open a support request and have your Agent logs ready for that one. I can't think of a good reason off the top of my head why Adobe would do this specifically, but we'll want to investigate this further for sure.
  3. I don't see anything in the release notes about it - I'd open a support request so we can track it down, but I can't think of a reason why that would be disabled at the moment. I'll try to find some time later to go test it in my lab, but you're right that functionality has been present for some time now.
  4. I don't understand why the PID/VID wouldn't work? That's exactly what it's for is for scenarios you're describing.
  5. I hear what you're saying, but black or blank - if the pixels aren't coming through it is usually something disrupting that stream. You may also ensure that you're not passing through any devices on the Mac that could cause Windows to freak out.
  6. This falls in line with the OS Optimization Tool, which can also break things in certain circumstances. Just like OSOT, CIS needs to be implemented in a way that is catering to VDI. I haven't ever done it personally, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of their benchmarks lock down things in a manner that is incompatible with VDI. Also just like the OSOT, you'll likely have to carefully test and retest these settings.. You can make your own templates in OSOT which may be a good starting point for this process.
  7. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss that it's network related. In my many years of troubleshooting Horizon, it's 9.5/10 times a network issue when you get a black screen. You may be right, but I wouldn't skip past any networking troubleshooting as you're investigating.
  8. To be clear, are you expecting TrueSSO to leverage SAML to login to Windows? If so, you may need to read up on how TrueSSO works and how it's exactly used.
  9. I'll reach out internally and see if we can track down why it's not available. Edit: I reached out to Product Management and I'll do my best to get this resolved for you ASAP.
  10. Love live the OSOT!😄 It was such a fun tool to be a part of creating. Thanks for keeping on top of it Graeme!
  11. Sorry to hear it's not working still and it does look like you're following the right docs. This will require troubleshooting that only support can provide - it isn't practical for me to do on our community forum, so I encourage you to open a support request and ask for some assistance troubleshooting your config.
  12. I would highly recommend you reach out to Broadcom support for AVI and troubleshoot it with them. My best guess based on what you're describing is this is an AVI issue.
  13. That's why it's important to always keep a backup local login and use a forced system login url to login and fix when a loop gets inevitably created.
  14. I agree, this will require log analysis so best to raise a support request or look at the logs yourself.
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