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Robin Harmsen

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Areas of Interest

  • Areas of Interest
    Horizon 8
    Horizon Cloud
    Workspace ONE
    App Volumes
    Dynamic Environment Manager
    Digital Employee Experience (DEX)
  1. Try this URL for the Omnissa Customer Connect portal https://customerconnect.omnissa.com/
  2. Unfortunatly 8.0U3 is not mentioned in any Interoperability matrices yet. Would be an awsome feature to have avaiable/functioning Would love to 'test' this with our production environment to see if this improves our load distribution.
  3. I am mostly wondering when a permanent fix will be available.. As this already broke back in February
  4. Try figuring out if this is a particular AppVolume that gets attached and investigate that App. Can be invetstigated by attaching one by one. Might be something that gets installed in that AppVolume package that corrupts printer drivers/settings.
  5. It does a good job in writing 'simple' PowerShell scripts for various things. Recent example input would be "Can you write a robocopy script to keep files one way synchronised with using credentials for the source and store the password encrypted." It will write the script(s) and also explain them in detail, saved me some time figuring out how to properly do robocopy, securly saving passwords and creating a file mapping with credentials. We have to do more than just some WS1.. have not tried letting it write anything with/for WS1 actually yet.
  6. For us the keys are currently visible in the Horizon Universal Console, still we are not able to see them anywhere at Broadcom As it already did cost a lot of time to get the keys (were were in the middle of an upgrade). .and we do have them now... I did not bother to reach out yet to get things sorted further at Broadcom. Is this still something we should reach out about personally in orde to get this fixed at the Broadcom portal? Or is this still on Broadcom's general list to get fixed for all customers?
  7. Do you have Horizon Subscription / Horizon Universal console afther the renewing? In that case you shoule be able to view your keys in the console... Otherwise you best luck migt be reaching out to your account executive at Omnissa. There was a email adres for licensing help but I am not able to find it on the Omnissa KB's anymore. We had issues with finding our license to, as the Horizn Universal Console did not have them for a few weeks afther the broadcom transitionings... got that sorted through our account executive.. but still that took some time as Broadcm and Omnissa were both not able to find our key's (or generate them)
  8. Only used some ChatGPT to help create powershell scripts. Saved me a lot of time using Google to find how I could have written those myself.
  9. In this forum post and in the KB , it is stated that we are encouraged to try this out. Where can I find more information on trying this out? It is not stated in the KB.
  10. I love the idea of being able to setup by using a drag-and-drop UI
  11. Are the ideas often currated on the aha portal? Does not seem there is a lot of activity there
  12. Unfortunatly the syncing feature needs/uses a NFS share for the replication. If i understand correcrly, U are using one NFS share on the primary site and having issues connecting to it though WAN. What might be possible is to setup aNFS share in your DR location which you keep in sync with some other tooling (I am not aware on how to sync NFS.. might be dependend on the NFS supplier/software)
  13. The servers only need to been in the Configuration/Managers tab, you should just be able to setup load balancing now. The Infrastructure/Instances is ment for seperate AppVolumes 'instances'/'clusters' where the other intance use a different SQL Database and serves/manage a different Horizon/vCenter environment.
  14. If i translate the error it states you have connection errors between the device and you UEM environment.
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