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Delete package grayed out

Go to solution Solved by Chris_Nodak,

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I was cleaning up old packages that have not been in use for some time and I have one that has no attachments that I can find, where the delete option is grayed out. There is a newer package for the application that is set current and is 100% in use by end users. I know I ran into this once some time ago but cannot find a solution while searching. Looking for any suggestions folks may have to help with this.

Currently on App Volumes 2209.

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Does the package still has a Attachements count higher then 0?

And you are sure there are no real attachements...
Then you will need to update the counter manually in the SQL Database.

We have been doing that in the past to fix these kind of issues.
I thought there was a KB about this.

Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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It does show 6 attachments on the package screen, but none on the attachments tab and all VMs have been maintained since the new package was set current so the 6 is clearly invalid. I vaguely remember this happening before and having to make a change in the DB but have not found the KB on how to update it. I'll dig some more. Thanks.

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6 hours ago, Chris_Nodak said:

It does show 6 attachments on the package screen, but none on the attachments tab and all VMs have been maintained since the new package was set current so the 6 is clearly invalid. I vaguely remember this happening before and having to make a change in the DB but have not found the KB on how to update it. I'll dig some more. Thanks.

Yea.. only happend a few times for us... so I also was vaguely remembering it had to do with a field in the database

5 hours ago, Chris_Nodak said:


I found the KB article. I was able to mark the package for deletion but it hasn't yet deleted. Will monitor.

Good find!

5 hours ago, Chris_Nodak said:

It did delete after some time.

Glad it worked out for your envrionment 

Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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I had to do some deep searching in the KB articles. Sadly all the old links don't map with all the changes from VMware to Broadcom and Omnissa. I feel like a lot of great information from the communities has been lost forever.

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  • 1 month later...

We once had VMware engineers messing around in our database but that only deleted it in the GUI. Does this also delete the affected vmdk's etc? 
Also stopping all appvolume manager services in a 24/7 health environment isn't a workable solution 😞

Edited by Hans Straat

Senior technical specialst at Leiden University Medical Center (lumc)

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  • Administrators
On 7/17/2024 at 12:08 AM, Chris_Nodak said:

I had to do some deep searching in the KB articles. Sadly all the old links don't map with all the changes from VMware to Broadcom and Omnissa. I feel like a lot of great information from the communities has been lost forever.

Hello @Chris_Nodak, sorry to hear you had troubles finding the information you needed easily!
The migration of our websites might have created some difficulties in finding the right resource. So, first of all, thank you for sharing about your experience here!

I can see from your previous comments that you have successfully found the migrated KB website but I'd like to provide a few links of migrated sites containing all Omnissa resources, as you might find them useful:

Hope you find this helpful! 
Let us know if there is a specific resource you're looking for, so we can try to help. 


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2 hours ago, Hans Straat said:

We once had VMware engineers messing around in our database but that only deleted it in the GUI. Does this also delete the affected vmdk's etc? 
Also stopping all appvolume manager services in a 24/7 health environment isn't a workable solution 😞

The method described in the KB, only changes a wrong counter of number of attachements for the specific appvolume.
If the number is higer then 0, appvolumes things the package is attached at least  once, while in practice it is not attched.
When appvolumes thinks an attachement is still there, you are not able to do a delete from the GUI.
By changing the counter to 0,  you are again able to use the delete from the GUI.

I can confirm this method works fine in a productiuon environment without stopping the managers, as I have used this in our environment sometimes.

Edited by Robin Harmsen
correction of some spelling

Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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2 minutes ago, Hans Straat said:

Well your in the same business as I am in Leiden 🙂 lumc , thanks for confirming we can do it without stopping the managers Robin! 

We should ask for a Dutch Healthcare subforum 🤪

Edited by Robin Harmsen
  • Haha 2

Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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We where thinking what happens if we reset all attachement_count to 0 ? we think attached appstacks will remain attached or will it create mahem? Anyone tested this? Just out of curiossity 🙂

Senior technical specialst at Leiden University Medical Center (lumc)

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I Did not test!
But I will expect AppVolumes will not create mahem and just keep the appstacks attached.

But why would you reset all counts to 0?
It might break the failsafe for deleting still used appstacks....

I would only change/reset the count for the specific appstack(s) I have issues with and I confirmd there are no attachements for.

Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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It was just a thought like the -what if 😉 parameter. We tested it in our acceptance environment and it works excellent. Next is deleting the greyed out production appstacks. 

Senior technical specialst at Leiden University Medical Center (lumc)

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