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Jeremy Lippert

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    Horizon Cloud
    App Volumes
    Dynamic Environment Manager

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  1. @Graeme Gordon Does the latest version (1.2 (2406)) officially support Windows 11 23H2? And are there any updates to templates for Win 11 23H2?
  2. As far as a workaround. I have used this PowerShell script for most of my Windows 10 builds over the years. Needs a bit of modification to add a couple for Windows 11 but works for what you need anyway. Modify as you need. $AppsList = ‘Microsoft.3DBuilder’, ‘Microsoft.BingFinance’, ‘Microsoft.BingNews’, 'Microsoft.BingWeather', 'Microsoft.ContactSupport', ‘Microsoft.BingSports’, 'Microsoft.Messaging', ‘Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection’, 'Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub', 'Microsoft.Office.OneNote', 'Microsoft.OneConnect', 'Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer', ‘Microsoft.People’, 'Microsoft.Print3D', 'Microsoft.SkypeApp', 'Microsoft.WindowsAlarms', ‘Microsoft.WindowsCamera’, ‘microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps’, 'Microsoft.WindowsMaps', ‘Microsoft.WindowsPhone’, 'Microsoft.WindowsStore', ‘Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder’, 'Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay', 'Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay', 'Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay', ‘Microsoft.XboxApp’, 'Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI', 'Microsoft.YourPhone', ‘Microsoft.ZuneMusic’, ‘Microsoft.ZuneVideo’, ‘Microsoft.Getstarted’, 'Microsoft.GetHelp', ‘Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub’, 'Microsoft.Wallet', ‘Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider’, ‘Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub’ ForEach ($App in $AppsList){ $PackageFullName = (Get-AppxPackage $App).PackageFullName $ProPackageFullName = (Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | where {$_.Displayname -eq $App}).PackageName write-host $PackageFullName Write-Host $ProPackageFullName if ($PackageFullName){ Write-Host “Removing Package: $App” remove-AppxPackage -package $PackageFullName } else{ Write-Host “Unable to find package: $App” } if ($ProPackageFullName){ Write-Host “Removing Provisioned Package: $ProPackageFullName” Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -packagename $ProPackageFullName } else{ Write-Host “Unable to find provisioned package: $App” } }
  3. Just a heads up! For those of you in next-gen needing to complete this reconnection to your Entra ID identity provider, just be aware that this will mess up any existing conditional access policies you have in place as it creates a brand-new enterprise application with a new unique application ID. That newly created enterprise application will need added to your existing conditional access policies, and without it, could break things like user authentication to desktops.
  4. We learned this almost a year ago when we migrated to next-gen. Just weird how it works to be honest. We use GPO's for the settings like on-prem and we do have the config file path set in the console like above, but we have it set to None at the pool level. That was just how we made it work at the time and haven't touched it since.
  5. If this was using the native Azure compute galleries, it's easy to move the location to another region but I am unsure how Horizon Cloud next-gen will deal with that if it was moved from the Azure side. My best advice is to open a support ticket with Omnissa to find out the supported method to do that, if any.
  6. We are fortunate enough to have Control Up for a lot of this deep monitoring, but I agree there should be some basic monitoring to match on-prem features right in the Universal Console. Control Up is pricey but gives you all the information your heart desires when it comes to monitoring the desktops themselves and we also utilize it for our physical laptop environment.
  7. Glad you figured it out. Horizon Cloud next-gen's Image management for Azure is essentially just a UI for Azure's compute gallery and it uses API calls to utilize native Azure compute gallery features. If you go into Azure portal and go into Azure compute galleries, you can see it all there, but it's all essentially the same information. *Don't modify anything in there though in Azure, haha
  8. Thanks for looking into it. It's nice to know when certain known issues or bugs are fixed or even what version of the different agents are included in the certain HAI versions.
  9. Maybe I am just not looking hard enough but does anyone know where there are release notes for the HAI (Horizon Agents Installer) versions? They get added to the Horizon Cloud next-gen release notes when a new one is released in Horizon Cloud Service - next-gen Release Notes (omnissa.com) but just was wondering if there are specific release notes for each version of HAI anywhere.
  10. There are plenty of ways to package Reader, here are just some things we do. We utilize Adobe's customization wizard to make a Transforms .mst file with all of our settings that we want set. Things like killing off the updater, getting rid of welcome screens, etc. Here are some of the things we do in the Transforms file to set for our users. Yours may vary. Transforms File Creation Download tool— Acrobat Customization Wizard for Windows (adobe.com) Personalization: Suppress display of End User License Agreenment (EULA) - check this box Installation Options: Select Make Reader the Default PDF Viewer Set Run Installation to Unattended Select Suppress Reboot Registry: Add the following keys and values: HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\FeatureLockDown\cWelcomeScreen bShowWelcomeScreen REG_DWORD value=0 HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\FeatureLockDown bToggleFTE REG_DWORD value=1 HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\FeatureLockDown bUpdater REG_DWORD value=0 HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\Installer ENABLE_CHROMEEXT REG_BINARY value=1 Shortcuts: Right click on Acrobat Reader DC under Desktop and select Remove Online Services and Features: Check Disable Product Updates Check Disable Upsell Select Transform menu, Generate Transform. Initial Installation: We download Adobe Reader from Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Distribution and extract the .msi using something like 7zip to utilize for the Transforms .mst creation as well as the installation in App Volumes Packaging. Install during packaging of App Volumes is simple once you have the transform file created, simple as: msiexec.exe /i AcroRead.msi TRANSFORMS=AcroReadtransform.mst We also stop and disable the Adobe Update Service after packaging as well. Just in case. Updates: Download.msp update files when needing to update the package in packaging - https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/release-note/release-notes-acrobat-reader.html Simple as running the latest .msp in packaging and then stop and disable Adobe Update service We do pretty much all of these same things for both Adobe Reader as well as Adobe Acrobat. Hope this helps a little
  11. We use a bunch of the OneDrive Computer GPO policies to sign in the user and set certain OneDrive settings like Files on Demand, etc. Specifically, for signing in the user automatically, we use the setting is "Silently sign in users to the OneDrive sync app with their Windows credentials" under Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/OneDrive. Works 100% of the time and FSLogix Profile Containers is good about roaming the rest, even good when updating OneDrive versions on the image. We do have a run once Logon Task in DEM for the initial setup for a brand-new user. This would launch it once so the user didn't have to do it. From then on, its always starting up on its own. FYI, This is all for non-persistent W10 22H2 with FSLogix Profile Containers, running on Horizon Cloud next-gen.
  12. Brand new FSLogix profiles didn't seem to have any issues, seems related to FSLogix more so than the image. From our testing anyway. Wish we were already on 11 but still rocking 10 22H2, unfortunately
  13. Yeah, we had planned on using just "Add-AppxPackage -RegisterByFamilyName -MainPackage MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" - This seemed to work for us. I do like the removal of those HKCU protocols, we noticed those had to be touched as well. Glad I wasn't the only one out there having issues and finding out all these things were needed.
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