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Adding App volumes load balace to Connection server dashboard error


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After successfuly created a load balance for App volumes instance (two app vol servers), I have tried to add the load balance to the dashboard of the Connection servers.

So if I add each App vol server FQDN then they will be added witout problem.


However in case I want to add the load balance FQDN then I get this error ( I cant find more info about it):


By the way refreshing the browser didnt help...

Notice that both App volumes servers and the load balancer are sharing the same certificate and it works fine with HTTPS (I have still not tested a package but I assume it is fine too).

So any help will be appreciated.


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21 minutes ago, vmguru said:

I think this is not possible!

maybe someone knows better

Hi, thanks for answering!

I've check the Omnissa doc and it sais it is possible:

"Depending on your environment and setup, add all App Volumes Managers that you want to be associated with Connection Server and used with published apps on demand. You can add individual App Volumes Managers, which would be multiple records if you have different App Volumes Managers that you want to use for published apps on demand, or add a load balancer which would only have one record."


Anyway I think in this case the issue is related with the load balancer config, I will check it later and I will post the results... 

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If I interprete that text correclty you should only add the load balancer address or the specific managers.. not the seperate managers and the load balancer at once.

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Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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Robin is right,

Our environment consists of 4 appvolume manager servers to spread the load and only the FQDN of the load ballancing address is where we manage our environment through the webinterface.

Right i misread your post and checked our Horizon console. Also there is the load ballancing address instead of individual servers. 


Edited by hans straat
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Senior technical specialst at Leiden University Medical Center (lumc)

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Thanks for the clarifications!

I have tried to add the load balancer FQDN for the app volumes but it always gives me the error message.

So I ended by adding the app volumes by separate. Anyway I assume adding them on the horizon console is not a mandatory request... isnt it? 

As far as I understand this is only useful for providing packages to the applications farm in case you have one and you want to attach the packages to the RDS servers or VDI servers that will provide the applications to the users. Please correct me if Im wrong...


I still have load balance issues. I have created an empty golden image, I have installed the app volumes agent on it and I have set the load balance FQDN to it. However after rebooting the golden image I have a time out when loading app volumes services...


And when it  loads the Windows session it shows this:


I have tried to reinstall the agent without the "validate certificate" option to check if the issue was related with the SSL certificates but I got the same results

The customer has configured F5 load balancer wih this guide:


Notice that I can access to the App volumes manager console url from the Golden image by using the load balanced FQDN url.


So I assume that the load balance works at least partialy....


Edited by D81
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