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  1. Yesterday
  2. Hello, Does anyone know how to best reach Omnissa sales team? I am trying to deploy Horizon in a new environment and have had zero luck getting a hold of them. I have already tried submitting a contact form to them on their website.
  3. Thanks for responding Graeme. We have been testing by attempting to connect just one host from the DR site during this process, but it times out every time. I'm not sure where we go from here.
  4. could be a permissions thing but I have no idea how or what. Maybe try with an unoptimized desktop to see if it makes a difference (did you also switch windows version? No idea if it even works on win11)
  5. Check the following article on how to use PKCS12 certificate for secure authentication with UEM API https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/configuring-workspace-one-uem-api-pkcs12-certificates
  6. All the latest EUC updates of this week in this post: https://juliuslienemann.wordpress.com/2024/06/27/week-26-2024-vmware-enduser-computing-updates/ Enjoy! 😀
  7. We are quite keen to move some of our mobile workforce to ARM64, like many others i guess. DEM doesn't work on ARM64, it either does nothing or sends the machine into a bootloop - will there be a DEM version for ARM in the near future?
  8. Last week
  9. Hello Omnissa community! As you may have noticed, we have recently migrated the EUC related content from the previous VMware by Broadcom community forums onto this site. We are happy to be able to provide this archive of helpful posts and information that have been shared over the years, and we hope that you'll find it very useful! You can find these posts here in the Migrated Content section of the forums. You will notice that it is view only, and you won't be able to post new content in these forums or reply to the existing posts. The migrated content will also appear alongside non-migrated posts when you search the forums, enabling you to find the posts and answers you are looking for even if they were originally on the other site. One key note is that you must be signed in to see this content. Otherwise you will only see a message that you do not have the correct permissions to view the content and you'll be prompted to register.
  10. I think tonal shift if it is voice - or words that pertain to excitement or punctuation as you suggest ... makes you think "whoa! things are going to happen!"
  11. Energetic is a fun word! How can it be "energetic"? For example, using exclamation points, using specific words, etc.? Any examples :)
  12. since you went from 7 > 8 is this the old fling or the build-in logon monitor?
  13. @Akito Ogushi can we add {UserPrincipalName} and certificate?
  14. Unfortunatly 8.0U3 is not mentioned in any Interoperability matrices yet. Would be an awsome feature to have avaiable/functioning Would love to 'test' this with our production environment to see if this improves our load distribution.
  15. Hello to everyone! We are migration from Horizon 7 to Horizon 8 (2312.1) and I found some strange behavior in how Logon Monitor logs messages In the code block below, you can see rows that don't contain any data or contain strange text like this: "%%4114" What does it mean? Is it a known issue or I did somethitg wrong? 2024-06-27T12:18:27.063 INFO (0290-1670-1) [0811] [Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon] ... 2024-06-27T12:18:29.139 INFO (07e0-1a80-1) [0001] [Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service] ... 2024-06-27T12:18:29.779 INFO (03ec-1214-1) [5320] [Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy] %%4114 ... 2024-06-27T12:18:32.458 INFO (0434-18d0-1) [0022] [Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager] I also found that Logon Monitor can't get data about available free disk space 2024-06-27T12:18:48.267 INFO (0a44-1dc0-1) [9602] [Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core] Free Disk Space Available To User: 0 GB vmlm__gbp-hrz-vmz001_username_06_27_2024__12_18_50_0321.txt
  16. Hello Ninjas! Have you encountered the behavior where the Teams Outlook add-in only appears after Teams is opened? If the user opens Outlook before Teams is launched and authenticated via SSO, the plugin does load when Outlook is opened. However, it is not available when trying to schedule a meeting in Outlook while Teams is authenticating. If the user then closes Outlook and reopens it, the button for scheduling a Teams meeting appears. Environment details: Non-persistent Windows 10 22H2 VMware DEM Microsoft 365 FSLogix ODFC version 2210 (update 4) Does anyone have any ideas on how to overcome this behavior?
  17. Energetic. Most Bots that I have seen are very matter of fact, and slow in their style of read back - I would prefer a Bot that seems to have an energetic-can-do type pace/vibe. If we can make it slightly sarcastic - even better for me :-)
  18. GREAT question. Let me follow up with you on this. We are working on sorting this out. Right now we are focused on the Omnissa launch but user groups will be needed. @StephenWagner7 @TristanTodd
  19. With the release of VMware vSphere 8U3, you can now deploy Mixed Size Virtual GPU types with VMware vSphere and Omnissa Horizon for your VDI environment. Check out my blog post: vGPU Mixed Size Virtual GPU types with VMware vSphere 8U3 (stephenwagner.com) for the details, and how to enable!
  20. This is a great question! Tagging @Holly Lehman 🙂 In addition to anything that Omnissa may be developing for customers and users, I'd also recommend checking out World of EUC.
  21. agent.saml.com's server IP address could not be found. ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED while trying to enroll the windows device using staging account on behalf of in vmware workspace one
  22. Let's say WS1 has an AI bot assistant. Imagine you're introducing the AI assistant to your team on its first day of work. How would you describe its personality and vibe in a sentence or two? Get creative and let me know!
  23. Glad you managed to get it resolved. SaaS definitely has many benefits over hosting your own deployment and you'll be able to take advantage of the newer features that have not made their way into On-Prem.
  24. It must have been on the DS server originally then because nothing was working until I removed and reinstalled AWCM there. Not sure how or why it ended up installed on the ACC server. Luckily we are in the process of moving off this on-prem installation to SaaS.
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